Solar Power Plant


Solar Power Plant

IB Solar is a leading producer of standard PV Systems for on-grid and off-grid systems. The components are carefully selected to provide the system's highest quality performance, which is subjected to severe quality controls. In addition to our conventional portfolio, our team of experienced engineers can design PV systems for on-grid and off-grid applications, as well as roof-top or free-field installations, according to on your specific needs.

IB Solar can create a fully integrated and bespoke solar power plant project for you, whether you are a firm interested in a captive Solar Power Plant for your operations or a power producer seeking to scale up solar power in your portfolio. We have the expertise to handle large scale solar projects and the necessary know-how to work within the limits of regulatory laws and geography.

We have extensive expertise managing utility-scale projects and a thorough understanding of what it takes to work within the constraints of regulatory rules and diverse topography, both in urban and rural locations.

Services Offered

  • Site surveying
  • Bespoke System Designing
  • Preparing of D.P.R
  • Supply, Installation & Testing of Power Plant.
  • Supplying Solar Panels/ Invertors/ Batteries/ Module Mounting Structure/Solar BOS
  • 360° Installation services

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